Welcome to Gametools

Gametools is a Danish educational game developer who enables you to use games as a tool to generate engaging and stronger change, innovation and learning.

We develop, produce, sell and facilitate learning games and business simulations for organisational and skills development in European large and small organisations. We typically work with internal or external consultants whom facilitate the experience.

Our services

Below is a brief description of the general services we provide.


You buy a proven, tested and finished game for instant use in your organisation.

Customised games

We use our proven learning game mechanics, and work with you to create a game suited to your needs.

Bespoke games

Based on your area and focus, we create a learning game that will achieve the desired effect.


We help you develop a game or gives you the tools to get even more out of your learning game.

Buy our games

Below is a complete list of learning games and business simulations you can buy directly from us, and for delivery within one week. Most of our games are ready to use, straight off the shelf. They make great tools if you work with co-creation, change management, innovation, idea development, work culture, company values, public-private co-operations and much more. See all games

Change navigator 1


A change management game
675 EUR

  • Managing the changing organisation
  • Learn about change management
  • Discuss, share knowledge and reflect
  • Used by ISS, DSV and Carlsberg
  • Tailored to your company



Your company values
475 EUR

  • Tailored to your company through co-creation process
  • Set your company’s values in play
  • Played by all employees
  • Discuss, share knowledge and reflect
  • The game is self-facilitated



Better customer experience
535 EUR

  • Tailored to your company through co-creation process
  • Learn to create positive moments
  • Powerful tool to lift frontline staff
  • Discuss, share and reflect
  • Simulate internal or external situations

Co Creator 1


Teamwork-based innovation
475 EUR

  • Learn about innovation and teamwork
  • Simulate a development project
  • The game is self-facilitated
  • Used by 80% of DK municipalities
  • The game has up to 5 different cases


Vores produkter

Nedenfor et overblik over vores færdige og gennemtestede læringsspil, og hvilket område de retter sig mod.

Du kan klikke dig ind på hver enkelt produkt for at få mere information og bestille dem.

Produkter Målgruppe Innovation Forandring Ledelse Processværktøj
Change NavigatorOffentligte og private virksomheder
Co-CreatorOffentlige aktører og borgere
Co-Creator NorgeOffentlige aktører og borgere
Policy MakerAktører i politiske process
Urban TransitionAktører i strategisk byudvikling
PioneersAktører i OPI processen
Koncept KaptajnAktører i oplevelsesindustrien
WaveMakerOffentligte og private virksomheder
Scamper toolOffentligte og private virksomheder
DemokratietUdskolingen og ungdomsuddannelser

What our clients say about us?

Contact us

You are always welcome to contact us.

Ryesgade 106A, 3+4 floor
DK - 2100 Copenhagen Ø
+45 2020 0073

    Gametools - We develop and sell business simulations and learning games