The public sector is demanding innovation, development and efficiency like never before. Resources are being cut, workload is growing - we have to think innovatively if we are to meet this challenge. The research project CLIPS has shown that cross-disciplinary co-operations strengthen innovation projects when it…
”Det var en stor succes at spille CO-CREATOR på Kommunernes Netværksdage. SAMTLIGE af de konferencedeltagere som deltog i den efterfølgende evalueringen havde en positiv oplevelse med spillet – og størstedelen heraf gav udtryk for at spillet havde været ’meget interessant’ at prøve kræfter med”
"Jeg har brugt spillet CO-CREATOR tre gange. Først med en gruppe pædagogiske konsulenter fra skoleområdet i Gentofte Kommune. Anden gang var med en gruppe HR-strategikonsulenter. Sidst har jeg spillet det med ledergruppen fra Børn, Unge og Fritids-forvaltningen i Gentofte Kommune. Spillet fungerer supergodt – især når…
Buy games Below is a complete list of learning game and business simulations you can buy directly from us. Most of our games are ready to use, straight off the shelf. They make great tools if you work with co-creation, change management, work culture, company values, innovation, idea development, public-private co-operations and much more. CHANGE NAVIGATORA game about change management675 EUR Managing the changing…
Welcome to Gametools Gametools is a Danish educational game developer who enables you to use games as a tool to generate engaging and stronger change, innovation and learning. We develop, produce, sell and facilitate learning games and business simulations for organisational and skills development in European large and small organisations. We typically work with internal or external consultants whom facilitate the experience. CONTACT US…